2021’s Climate Change Summit (COP26) was held in Glasgow, Scotland from 31 October to 12 November. In addition to the physical conference, there were a number of virtual and hybrid events to allow for more inclusion in the summit. GRP was engaged in a number of events and activities, including the Resilience Hub, the Development and Climate Days, and the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action Resilience Day among others.

During COP26 and together with CDKN and through the Resilience Knowledge Coalition, we shared a series of blogs, Windows on Resilience. The series shares practical and inspiring solutions from communities and countries around the world. It is produced by CDKN and the Resilience Knowledge Coalition for the Resilience Hub. Read the stories below.

Outcome Documents

The Resilience Hub at London Climate Action Week

This report outlines the key insights and messages that emerged from the 2024 London Climate Action Week Resilience Hub kickoff event.

COP26 Resilience Hub Synthesis Report

This report synthesises the main messages from the Resilience Hub and aims to help set the direction for future action towards COP27 and beyond. The report first provides an overview of the key adaptation and resilience decisions and announcements that took place during COP26; it then presents the key messages resulting from the events of the Resilience Hub and offers concluding remarks on next steps towards COP27 and beyond.

Latin American Regional Resilience Dialogue Outcome Document

This dialogue is part of a series of regional dialogues convened with non-party stakeholders, organized by the Global Resilience Partnership together with Climate Resilience Network of the UNFCCC Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action (MPGCA) with the support of the Chile and UK High Level Champions (HLCs), Gonzalo Muñoz and Nigel Topping.

Women carrying a child walking up stairs to a floating house in Bangladesh.

South Asia Regional Resilience Dialogue Outcome Document

Fostering Adaptation and Resilience for a Post-COVID19, 1.5 Degree Future. This dialogue is part of a series of regional dialogues convened with non-party stakeholders, organized by the Global Resilience Partnership together with Climate Resilience Network of the UNFCCC Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action (MPGCA) with the support of the Chile and UK High Level Champions (HLCs), Gonzalo Muñoz and Nigel Topping.

Flooded road in Vietnam with people trying to get through on motorbikes.

Southeast Asia Regional Resilience Dialogue

Transformational Solutions to Scale Up Adaptation and Resilience. This dialogue is part of a series of regional dialogues convened with non-party stakeholders, organized by the Global Resilience Partnership together with Climate Resilience Network of the UNFCCC Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action (MPGCA) with the support of the Chile and UK High Level Champions (HLCs), Gonzalo Muñoz and Nigel Topping.

Windows on Resilience Blog Series

Read the stories from communities and countries around the world highlighting practical and inspiring solutions!

Knowledge for Transformative Action Towards a Resilient Future

On the 10th November 2021, the Resilience Hub at COP26 hosted a side event to showcase three major, global initiatives that seek to ensure that action to enhance adaptation and resilience stem from a foundation of research, knowledge and learning: the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), the Resilience Knowledge Coalition and the Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA).

Can locally-led anticipatory action address climate impacts at scale?

There is considerable potential for more locally-led anticipatory action to prepare people for extreme weather and climate events and avoid loss and damage – reports Myriam Castaneda Solares of the START network, from a COP26 Resilience Hub event.

Creating resilient cities amidst climate change, informality and migration

The Oxford Martin Programme on Informal Cities is studying informal neighbourhoods, economies, health and climate change in cities. A panel discussion with Michael Keith, Kazem Rahimi, Tim Schwanen and Susan Parnell discussed climate challenges and the urgent actions that academics, policy-makers and the global community can take. This blog was originally published on peak-urban.org.

Launching today at COP26 – InsuResilience Centre of Excellence on Gender-Smart Solutions

Tuga Alaskary from InsuResilience Global Partnership shares a bold new initiative to drive gender-smart approaches in insurance and risk finance for climate disasters, launching on Gender Day at COP26, 9 November.

What’s in the pipeline for resilience? A perspective from a young water industry professional

Craig Hopkinson, Sustainability Manager for Anglian Water’s Strategic Pipeline Alliance (SPA), reflects on his role as a young person helping to deliver one of the largest infrastructure projects currently taking place in the United Kingdom.

GRP News about COP26

What I learnt over three years of reporting on the COP Resilience Hub

From resilience as ‘everywhere but nowhere at COP’ to resilience as central to equitable and efficient climate action – insights from COP26, COP27, and COP28 Resilience Hubs

Youth Engagement at COP26 through the Resilience Hub

Past Global South Talent Pool intern, Arnav Prakash, shares reflections on youth engagement at last year’s Glasgow Climate Conference (COP26) through the Resilience Hub.

On the road to COP27, the UK’s COP presidency must follow words with action

Businesses and governments must renew their focus and ensure that we move towards this year’s COP27 in the best possible position, taking advantage of the momentum generated through key milestones along the way.

COP26 Resilience Hub Report Out Now

The report synthesises the key overarching messages from the activities at the Hub and aims to help set the direction for future actions towards COP27.

Adaptation & Resilience Solutions: The investment opportunity to grow the sector

During the COP26 Finance Day (3rd November 2021), the Resilience Hub hosted a side event to showcase the increasing range of adaptation and resilience innovations, as well as to discuss opportunities and barriers to scaling them. The panel discussion included speakers from Climate-KIC, Global Resilience Partnership, CDC Group, BFA Global, The Lightsmith Group, PayPal and FMO, the Dutch Development Bank.

Events related to COP26


COP26 Blue Zone & online

GRP Partner

Resilience Hub: Opening Reception and Launch of CCRI Digital Art Exhibition


COP26 Blue Zone & online

GRP Partner

Resilience Hub: Adaptation & Resilience Solutions: The investment opportunity to grow


COP Blue Zone & Online


Resilience Hub: A COP26 Multi-Stakeholder Finance Roundtable


Glasgow & online


Sustainable Innovation Forum 2021


COP26 Water and Climate Pavilion & online

GRP Partner

Innovating for Climate Resilience


Glasgow, COP26

GRP Partner

Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action Resilience Day



GRP Partner

Development and Climate Days 2021


COP26 Blue Zone & online

GRP Partner

Resilience Hub: Knowledge for Transformative Action Towards a Resilient Future

Please contact info@globalresiliencepartnership.org with any questions you may have about GRP’s engagements at COP26.